Если Вы владелец авторских прав, просим Вас учесть, что все плееры на сайте из сторонних API источников.
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If you are a copyright owner, please note that all players on the site are from third-party API sources.
Please write directly to the contact details of these video hosting sites to comply with the DMCA. In 99% of
cases they remove
controversial content within 24 hours. Players that are not available on the original source will a priori
not be displayed on
ReYohoho. Or write to reyohoho@proton.me or TG: https://t.me/ReYohoho_support
For questions about advertising in players, errors, copyright and everything else, write to the contact
video hosting!
reyohoho@proton.me https://t.me/ReYohoho_support